Bribery is a serious criminal offense and the School does not and will not, pay bribes or offer an improper inducement to anyone for any purpose. Equally the School does not and will not accept any bribes or improper inducements.
The School requires that all staff and all working or performing any service on or on behalf of the School neither accept nor give bribes. Staff must:
Definition of Bribery
Bribery is an inducement, reward or gift offered, promised, or provided to gain a personal, commercial, regulatory, or contractual advantage.
Scope of the Policy
The policy applies to all of the School’s activities including its work with strategic partners, third parties, suppliers, and others.
The policy has the approval of the Governing Body. The policy applies equally to all staff, regardless of grade whether permanently employed, temporary agency staff, contractors, agents, all elected and non-elected Governors, volunteers, and consultants. The principal and the Executive team will own the policy, thereby ensuring that there is commitment at the highest level.
Anti Bribery Policy
It is unacceptable to:
Reporting procedures