As responsible members of the community, we have a responsibility to create a safe and respectful environment for all individuals, especially children. This code of conduct outlines the appropriate behavior of adults towards children, including the use of technology.

<aside> 🚀 It is expected that every Learning Facilitator will read and agree to the Code of Conduct. It is also expected that every Learning Facilitator will have submitted the necessary background checks and completed the School’s Onboarding and Facilitator training before beginning to work at the SoH.


  1. I will read all the relevant documents regarding the School of Humanity way of working (Facilitator Wiki or Guide) and will participate in the learning facilitator training sessions and onboarding prior to working directly with the learners. I agree to continue to participate in professional development sessions as required and understand that my facilitation sessions may be observed as part of the quality assurance policy at the SoH.
  2. I provide guidance to young minds who are assigned to my sessions without expecting anything in return from them. While I may celebrate and showcase their projects and successes, I do not take credit for those successes. I recognize that I am an enabler and catalyst of their success, but not the cause of their success. I will do my best to guide from a place of no ego or selfishness. Furthermore, I will always respond to my learners' questions, doubts, and inquiries to the best of my ability, giving the necessary time and space for these to be addressed in a comfortable and calm manner.
  3. I will respect my learners' unique personality, and personal beliefs - recognizing that they are their own individuals on their own unique paths. While I may sometimes disagree with them, I will provide feedback & constructive criticism, delivered in a calm, respectful, and professional manner.
  4. I will not spread misinformation, pseudoscience, or propaganda. I will always strive to provide accurate and evidence-based information. I will acknowledge and correct any mistakes promptly and transparently.
  5. I understand that I will serve as a role model to my learners and as such will lead by example, by way of behavior, appropriate language use, and social interaction. I will remain neutral, avoid bias and take care not to willfully influence the way my learners behave or think.
  6. I will promote and model effective digital citizenship and be aware of the potential risks of using technology and take appropriate measures to ensure online safety, such as using privacy settings.
  7. I will maintain the confidentiality of children and their families and not share any personal or confidential information about them with others without their explicit consent.
  8. I will maintain professional boundaries throughout the program, maintaining physical and emotional distance from my learners. Communication will be limited to SoH working hours and through recognized SoH channels such as Slack.
  9. I will maintain professional working relationships with all members of staff at the SoH, including other Industry mentors, learning facilitators, administrative staff, and core team members. Communication will be limited to SoH working hours and through recognized SoH channels such as Slack, and will always remain respectful and considerate.
  10. If I detect any serious issues, such as issues concerning negative behavior, debilitating well-being, or lack of attendance from my learners, I shall inform the School of Humanity core team. If my learners require further support that I am unable to provide, I shall inform the School of Humanity core team. If this issue requires further attention, it will be evaluated by the SoH Code of Ethics Review Committee.

I agree to commit to the following code of conduct as a Learning Facilitator at School of Humanity.